History of Creation
The first court resembling a basketball was found in Mexico and dates back to the first millennium B.C. The Mayan tribe had a similar game called “poc-ta-poc”. It was necessary to pass a rubber ball across the field and throw it into the ring on the wall. With the movement of the ball was identified with the movement of the planets in the universe. Modern basketball was invented by James Naismith, a doctor at the Christian Youth Association Educational Center in the United States, in 1891. He spent a long time developing rules for the new ball game to diversify physical education classes for his students. James tied two fruit baskets to the balconies of the gymnasium and announced that the team that threw the most balls into the opponents’ basket would be the winner. Irga fell in love with schoolchildren and quickly spread to many educational institutions in the United States, and soon its popularity took on worldwide proportions. The first basketball clubs and associations appeared and the rules changed and were adjusted: at first the rules had only 13 points and now this number exceeds 200, but one thing became clear – the game was firmly embedded in the life of the planet. The first official match was held February 12, 1892, after which the game has won unimaginable popularity throughout the world. In 1894, an update of the official rules of the game, in force to this day.

Description of the game
Basketball is a world-famous team sport game, the goal of which is to throw the largest number of balls into the basket of opponents. The main materials from which basketballs are made are natural leather, synthetic leather, composite leather and rubber. The markings “Indoor” and “Outdoor” serve as an important reminder of the type of material of a basketball. Based on the aggressiveness of the surface, the manufacturer selects materials that will last the longest when used on a particular surface. First of all, when choosing a ball, you should pay attention to the size of the basketball. Size 7 means you have in your hands a ball that is suitable for men. Its weight can vary from 567 to 650 grams. Size 6 is used in games by teenagers under 16 years old and adult women’s teams, its weight ranges from 510 to 567 grams. Size 5 is suitable for training and junior team games, weighing in at 470-500 grams.

How to play?
Each team has 5 players plus 1 substitute. The ball should be carried across the field with your hands, periodically hitting it on the floor. It is forbidden to push, hit the ball with your feet. The game is divided into 4 halves. The start is given by throwing the ball up in the center of the field when players try to bounce it with their hands on the side of their team. Each half of the field is divided into 3 zones: the three-point zone – when the player who throws the ball from this area is awarded 3 points, the middle distance zone – when the player is awarded 2 points and the penalty area at the basket – when the player is awarded only 1 point. The winner is the team that scores the most points during the game. The rules of the game prohibit pushing or causing any other physical harm to the opposing team. Consequently, the game also teaches you to restrain aggressive impulses and concentrate on ways to achieve victory.

Pros and cons
Classes of basketball promote comprehensive physical development of children, develop their moral and willpower qualities: speed, coordination, endurance, courage and perseverance. Benefits of this sport is enormous, it develops, as well as social intelligence, and physical health of children and adolescents. First of all, basketball is a team sport. When playing basketball, children have to interact with each other and act not just by themselves, but to think and play as a team. Basketball teaches children to respect each other, forming a good base for future social formation. The health benefits of playing sports are tremendous. It lies in the development of such qualities as strength, agility and balance. Active movement improves the work of all the major systems of the body, which is the best prevention of disease. The immune system is strengthened, the blood begins to circulate faster through the body. In general, the positive aspects for the health of a lot.

A new age
In our time, based on the “basis” of basketball in the U.S., was born its simplified version – streetball (or street basketball). In this game, teams consist of three people each, and both play in the same ring. Games are played mostly outdoors, right on the pavement. Today, street basketball has gained popularity in Europe and in some Eastern countries, where basketball baskets are installed in the street, and you can often see adults playing after work or students running with the ball, in between classes.